Past Offerings

Discovery Series
With Devi
January, 2021
This drop-in class is designed for those who have completed an introductory mindfulness course and would like to further deepen their knowledge on specific selected topics. Topic for this Session: Forgiveness
Build Resilience Through Mindfulness
With Devi
6 Weeks Course
October, 2020
Through instructor led live online teachings, experiential exercises, group dialogue and guided meditations, you will learn how the skills and practices of mindfulness can help you to become more resilient by managing difficult thoughts, feelings and impulses.
Sound Bath Series
With Shazia
Six weeks Series
Starting: May 2nd
Join us for a 60 minutes deep immersion in the harmonic and healing frequencies of Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowls. Sound has been known to have healing properties. In these restorative sessions, participants will be treated to a deep meditative experience. Sound Healing Meditation Demo Video

Metta Retreat
With Gayathri & Tina
Weekend Retreat
November, 2020
In these online and in-person retreats, our teachers will offer a container for participants to deepen wisdom and compassion through silent walking and seated meditations, movement exercises, and wisdom teachings that inspire and enlighten.